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browningturningThis morning in my e-mail I found messages from my friends that let me know my review of Ann Hutt Browning’s book of poetry Deep Landscape Turning was up on Rattle.com.

Holly Hughes, co-author of The Pen and the Bell wrote:

“Wonderful review, Katie. You really made me want to read this collection—what a good review should do. So poignant that it’s Browning’s first and last collection, too, so it’s a good tribute to her, too. I’ll use some of her poems in my poetry of witness class—thanks again for alerting me to her good work.”

Anita Sullivan, Airlie Press:

“What a delight to see your name at the top of the review of Ann Hutt Browning’s ‘Deep Landscape Turning.’ Terrific review! I especially like how you admitted at the end that you had mis-read some of her poems, or at least not read them deeply enough. . . .

An aside on stubbornness: I submitted this review to Rattle for the first time last fall and the second time in January. In between, it was rejected for not having enough conviction. When I received the rejection, my first reaction was to abandon the review but, re-reading Browning’s book, I still found the poems very interesting and evocative. I rewrote the review.

The first paragraph of my review of Deep Landscape Turning by Ann Hutt Browning:

Even on a second—and third—reading of Deep Landscape Turning, I am sucked into Ann Hutt Browning’s vision, and can enjoy another romp through poems of youth and death, love and politics, travel, and a daughter chronicling her flawed father. . . . I see disintegrated family relations in the letter (a poem) from an English aunt . . . but then also a closeness between husband and wife. In “Soliloquy And Near-Soliloquy,” the husband speaks alone on the porch . . . [read the entire review on Rattle.com]

Permalink: http://www.rattle.com/poetry/2013/04/deep-landscape-turning-by-ann-hutt-browning/